Friday, October 7, 2011

Is a boy or a girl?

I am entering week 18!! We should know if we're having a boy or girl in 2 weeks but our OB will be out of town.. SO, we will have to wait until Nov.2nd to find out!! Mark your calendar and wait for the answer to reveal!!

We are so excited and hoping to see Baby Yen's legs, arms and obviously the important body part for one full hour with the radiologist :)

How do I feel lately?
I continue to eat and sleep well. Although I have had some major GI blow-outs recently, it was irritating and smelly! Sorry folks. TMI? I am also training Tofu & Miso how to use the toilet for their pee and poop downstairs, I am praying everyday that I won't catch any bugs from them. I just got my flu shot today. I was debating whether flu shot will cause any harm to the baby. Since I work in healthcare, I can't affort to fight the germs while I am carrying a little life inside of me. I surrendered to the flu shot.

How is papa Yen doing?
I think we are going under some stress from moving and adjusting the new life at our new residence. God is powerful. We continue to recover from mild colds and headaches. He allows us to have time visitng families who live near by to give us support. Papa Yen is anxious to see baby Yen and constantly rubbing and kissing mama Yen's belly.

I hope to find an orange-pumpkin color t-shirt to wear it this month. October, November and December are our favorite months of the year. I am looking forward to share every day with him/her.

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