Sunday, November 13, 2011

a big mango

Olivia is turning 23 weeks! She is a sweet girl. She kicks often to remind me that she is here with me.

I read her bed time story. She is quietly listening.
I play music to her. She likes having a dance party.
She is not picky about what I eat. She just prefers fruits and veggies.

Olivia :) Mama can't wait to dance with you, read books with you and eat with you. <3 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Olivia Emma Yen

We have a little girl. A little girl named Olivia
O--O---O-l-i-v-i-a... dun lah lah dun lah lah lah.... O--O--O-l-i-v-i-a..

She is a beautiful baby on the ultrasound. She has Will's eyes and nose, my lips and chin.
She is a busy busy body. She keeps opening and closing her legs.
When we started the ultrasound, her head was down. When we finished the ultrasound, her head was up.
She has everything that she needs. She is so cute when we saw her opening/closing her mouth, sucking.
She likes to swing around her arms..and plays with her only toy--umbilical cord. :)

Dady Yen was so suprised that we're having a little girl. He posted the annoucement on FB right away in the room. He can't wait to feel her in one more month. He can't wait to meet her, smell her, hold her, kiss her and spoil her.
She has a good temper. She has been a very easy, good baby to me.
She loves frutis and veggies. She is not a big fan of meat.
She will love hashbrown, eggs and ketchup.
She will love going shopping with me.
She will love her beautilfu black hair.
She will love God more than anything.
Love <3